1 Classroom and Law Library Building, Classrooms, Faculty Offices, Campus Safety, I.T.S., Career Development, Academic Success, Bar Exam Success, Library, and Grab 'n Go Food Market
*An All Gender restroom is available in the 1st floor library technical services area
GPS: 3800 Vartan Way, Harrisburg, PA 17110
2 Basketball/Tennis Courts
3 Student Activities Offices
GPS: 3805 Vartan Way, Harrisburg, PA 17110
4 Gathering Study Space
GPS: 3805 Vartan Way, Harrisburg, PA 17110
5 Courtroom Annex, Classroom and Moot Courtrooms and the Central Pennsylvania Law Clinic
GPS: 3737 Vartan Way, Harrisburg, PA 17110
6 Administration Building, Deans, Admissions, Registrar, Student Affairs, Financial Aid, Communications, and The Deans' Gallery
*An All Gender restroom is available in the Administrative Offices
GPS: 3737 Vartan Way, Harrisburg, PA 17110
7 Note: The Central Pennsylvania Law Clinic has moved to the administration building annex as of March 12, 2025.