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Juris Doctor & Master of Library Science (JD/MSLS)

With the specialized knowledge you will gain through the JD/MSLS program, you could choose to pursue a career as a law librarian or use the research skills you’ve gained to further your career as a lawyer.

Widener Law Commonwealth offers a juris doctor/master of library science (JD/MSLS) dual degree program. Taught in cooperation with PennWest Clarion, the program integrates legal training with the principles and techniques of library science and applications of information technology.

Admission to the JD/MSLS dual degree program must be sought separately from each school, but six (6) credits of MSLS coursework may be applied to your JD, and six (6) credits of JD coursework may be applied to your MSLS.

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Contact Information

Widener Law Commonwealth
Admissions Office
3737 Vartan Way
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717.541.3903
Fax: 717.541.3999
[email protected]

Department of Library Science
222 Carlson Library
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
840 Wood Street
Clarion, Pennsylvania 16214-1232
Phone: 866.272.5612 (press 1)
Voicemail: 814.393.2271
Fax: 814.393.2150
Email: [email protected]

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