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Photo of Matthew

Matthew V. Kerns

Associate Dean of Admissions
Contact Information

[email protected]


Dean Kerns has spent over a decade working in law schools across the nation. He currently serves as the immediate past chair of the AALS Section on Pre-Law Education and Admission to Law School as well as the Chair of the Westminster College History Alumni Advisory Council. Previously Dean Kerns served as an executive committee member of the Southwest Association of Pre-Law Advisors, an ABA Site Team Visitor, and a member of various LSAC committees and workgroups. Dean Kerns is a regular speaker on pre-law, admission, marketing, and financial aid topics.


Edwardsville, Pennsylvania

With Widener Law Commonwealth Since

January 2020

What Widener Law Commonwealth Has To Offer

Connection. As the only law school in the state’s capital, Widener Law Commonwealth provides unique opportunities for students to connect to their classmates, professors, and the legal community to become well-rounded and prepared attorneys.

What’s great about your job?

Working collaboratively with prospective students and prelaw advisors to help them achieve their goals.

On common personal statement mistakes

Show me, don’t tell me, why you are passionate on taking on the challenge of law school.

On the benefits of attending law fairs or forums

Prospective students have the opportunity to meet admissions representatives from around the country and learn about the differences between law schools. It is especially important to visit tables for law schools you may have never heard of before that day. You will never know what type of information you may learn!

Office Contact Information

Admissions Office 
3737 Vartan Way
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717.541.3903
Fax: 717.541.3999
Email: [email protected] 

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