9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Widener Law Commonwealth
Administration Building, Room A180
3737 Vartan Way
Harrisburg, PA 17110
2018 Dean's Annual Diversity Forum
Please join us for the annual Dean's Diversity Forum: Thurgood Marshall--Twenty-Five Years After: Still Celebrating a Life that Changed the Way We See the World. During the forum, the life and work of Thurgood Marshall and the ways Justice Marshall impacted the work of lawyers and judges today will be explored.
Confirmed speakers for the event include: Hon. Dwayne Woodruff, Allegheny County Common Pleas Court Judge, recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court candidate, and former Pittsburgh Steeler; the Hon. Royce Morris, recently elected Dauphin County Common Pleas Court Judge; and Rawn James, Jr.
Mr. James is the author of "Root and Branch," which chronicles both the legal path to Brown v. Board of Education and the friendship between Thurgood Marshall and Charles Hamilton Houston. Mr. James has also written "The Double V," in which he tells the story of the battle for equality in the U.S. Military. Mr. James practices law in the District of Columbia and has been interviewed about his books by Tavis Smiley on PBS.
$75 Regular (CLE credits/lunch included);
$60 Alumni, Government Lawyers, & Academics (CLE credits/lunch included);
$35 Human Service Providers (CLE credits/lunch included);
$35 Non-CLE Attendees, General Public (lunch included)
3 CLE credits are available. (1 ethics, 2 substantive)
Questions: [email protected]