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Widener Law Commonwealth's Podcast

Learn the real issues behind the headlines of legal hot topics in the news with internationally-known legal faculty at Widener Law Commonwealth. Legal scholars break down complex issues and provide insight on legal topics. Looking to go to law school? Valuable tips on topics ranging from law school admissions to financial aid and bar exam preparation will be given by our team of dedicated administrative personnel.

Spotify | Apple Podcasts | YouTube (selected episodes)


Cafecito with LALSA Episode 7 Featuring Guest Speaker Professor Steven A. Ramirez

Cafecito with LALSA Episode 7: This episode features guest speaker Professor Steven A. Ramirez from Loyola University Chicago who discusses "The Stakes of Election 2024 for Latino/a voters." 

Watch the video version of the episode on WLC's YouTube Channel.

Cafecito with LALSA Episode 6 Featuring APALSA and BLSA

Cafecito with LALSA Episode 6: This episode features Giselle Barragan (LALSA President), Kevin Ezeuzoh (BLSA President) and Ashley Varughese (APALSA President). Tune in to hear about their experiences and struggles as Widener Law Commonwealth students.

Watch the video version of this episode on WLC's YouTube Channel.

Cafecito with LALSA Episode 5 Featuring Widener Law Commonwealth Moms

Cafecito with LALSA Episode 5 featuring Law School Moms: This episode features Giselle Barragan (LALSA President) having a conversation with Gabrielle Spisak and Helene Hess. Tune in to hear about their experiences and struggles as Widener Law Commonwealth students who became first time moms during law school. 

Watch the video version of this episode on WLC's YouTube Channel.

Cafecito with LALSA Episode 4 Featuring OUTLaw

Cafecito with LALSA Episode 4 featuring OUTLaw: This episode features Giselle Barragan (LALSA President) and Tommy Begley (LALSA Treasurer) having a conversation with Reese Rosso (OUTLaw President) and Molly Sanders (OUTLaw Vice-President). Tune in to hear about their experiences and struggles as Widener Law Commonwealth students.

Watch the video version of this episode on WLC's YouTube channel.

Cafecito with LALSA Episode 3 Featuring APALSA

Cafecito with LALSA (Latin American Law Student Association) is a student run podcast where traditional and non-traditional law students come together to share their unique journeys through law school. Hear the voices of minority students as they discuss their challenges and triumphs, and listen to diverse perspectives on a wide range of topics. Tune in for a dynamic conversation that reflects the rich tapestry of the Widener Law Commonwealth student experience.

Watch the video version of this episode on WLC's YouTube channel: 

Cafecito with LALSA Episode 3 featuring APALSA (Asian-Pacific American Law Student Association): This episode features Angelica Alonso (LALSA member) and Katrina Perea (LALSA member) having a conversation with Ashley Varughese (APALSA President) and Sneha Henry (APALSA Treasurer). Tune in to hear about their experiences and struggles as minority Widener Law Commonwealth students.

Tara's Farewell Episode

Host Tara Mead announces her departure and gives a programming update. 

Cafecito with LALSA Featuring BLSA

Cafecito with LALSA (Latin American Law Student Association) is a student run podcast where traditional and non-traditional law students come together to share their unique journeys through law school. Hear the voices of minority students as they discuss their challenges and triumphs, and listen to diverse perspectives on a wide range of topics. Tune in for a dynamic conversation that reflects the rich tapestry of the Widener Law Commonwealth student experience. 

Episode 2: Cafecito with LALSA Episode 2: This episode features Giselle Barragan (LALSA President) and Tommy Begley (LALSA Treasurer) having a conversation with Kevin Ezeuzoh (BLSA President) and Richard Dixon (BLSA Social Media Rep). Tune in to hear about their experiences and struggles as black Widener Law Commonwealth students.

Watch the video version of this episode on WLC's YouTube channel.

Bar Exam Preparation Featuring Director of Bar Success Jamie Zadra

It's something law students know is in their future - the Bar. In this podcast, host Tara Mead checks in with Widener Law Commonwealth's Director of Bar Success Jamie Zadra and discusses the ways she helps students prepare for one of the most important exams of their career. 

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Introducing Cafecito with LALSA

Cafecito with LALSA (Latin American Law Student Association) is a student run podcast where traditional and non-traditional law students come together to share their unique journeys through law school. Hear the voices of minority students as they discuss their challenges and triumphs, and listen to diverse perspectives on a wide range of topics. Tune in for a dynamic conversation that reflects the rich tapestry of the Widener Law Commonwealth student experience. 

Episode 1: This introduction episode features Giselle Barragan (LALSA President), Lilianel Mullenex (LALSA Vice President) and Tommy Begley (LALSA Treasurer). Tune in to hear about their experiences and struggles as first generation, Latin-American, Widener Commonwealth Law students.

Watch the video version of this episode on WLC's YouTube channel.

Legal Externships with the Air Force Judge Advocate General Corps

Externships are a great way for our law students to gain experience and make vital connections to help them navigate their future legal careers.

On this edition of our podcast, host Tara Mead talks with Air Force First Lt. Julia Harrelson, who discusses externship opportunities through the Air Force Judge Advocate General Corps, including what criteria must be met before applying, and the benefits of completing this type of externship while in law school. 

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Metioned in this Episode

Air Force JAG Recruiting Facebook

Administrative Governance in the ChatGPT Era...and Beyond

This lecture series honors John Gedid, one of the founders of Widener Law Commonwealth, the school’s first vice-dean and the founder of Widener Law Commonwealth’s Law and Government Institute. Professor Gedid has served as a wonderful mentor to faculty and students. The series showcases the work of nationally recognized scholars in government law much the same way Professor Gedid has fostered, encouraged, and applauded the work of those who joined the school he helped to found.

This lecture was presented by Edward B. Shils Professor of Law and Political Science Cary Coglianese from the University of Pennsylvania Penn Carey Law School.

Professor Coglianese, who also serves as the director of the Penn Program on Regulation, specializes in the study of administrative law and regulatory processes, with an emphasis on the empirical evaluation of alternative processes and strategies, including the role of public participation, technology, and business-government relations in policymaking.

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Mentioned in this episode: 

View the recorded event on our YouTube Channel

Practical Legal Experience for Law Students

Classroom learning is certainly important during law school, but having practical experience in the field is also vital. In this Widener Law Commonwealth podcast episode, host Tara Mead talks with two students, Kimberly Marrera and Emily LaGreca, who share their own externship and internship opportunities and how valuable they've been to them. 

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Mentioned in this Episode:

WLC Externships Webpage

WLC Clinic Webpage

Law School Advice from WLC Alumni Association President Paul Edger 

In this podcast, you'll hear from Paul Edger ’11, Widener Law Commonwealth's Alumni Association president, who shares his law school experience, some advice for current students, and ways alumni can connect with the WLC community.

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Mentioned in this episode: 

WLC Law Commonwealth Alumni Office Facebook group

WLC Alumni LinkedIn group


WLC alumni website page

How to Select a Law School with Dean of Admissions Matthew Kerns

Making the decision to go to law school is a pretty significant step in starting your law career. So how do you determine which law school is right for you? In this podcast, host Tara Mead talks with Widener Law Commonwealth Associate Dean of Admission on the best ways to begin (and complete) your law school search to ensure it's the right fit. 

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Mentioned in this Episode:

WLC admissions office contact information
Phone: 717.541.3903
Email: [email protected]

Interview with Professor John Dernbach

Widener Law Commonwealth prides itself on having nationally and internationally recognized experts in a variety of legal fields, including environmental law. In our latest podcast, host Tara Mead talks with Professor John Dernbach, director of the law school's Environmental Law and Sustainability Center about his work, including his role in the recent COP27 international conference, a new book, and his future plans as he looks toward retirement next year. 

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Mentioned in this Episode:

Environmental Law and Sustainabililty Center

ELSC blog

Model sustainability ordinances from Professor Dernbach's Sustainability Law and Practice class

John Dernbach's website

Central Pennsylvania Law Clinic

Widener Law Commonwealth's Central Pennsylvania Law Clinic offers students an opportunity to use and develop their legal skills to help people in need in our community. Podcast host Tara Mead talks with Professor Mary Catherine Scott, director of the clinic, on her work with the students, including their newest endeavor regarding legal issues impacting the elderly. 

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Mentioned in this Episode:

Central Pennsylvania Law Clinic

Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging 

MidPenn Legal Services

YWCA Domestic Violence Legal Center

Interview with Anti-Human Trafficking Expert Steve Turner

This episode contains discussions about human trafficking, sexual assault, and drug addiction. Listener discretion is advised.

You may think that human trafficking only happens in big cities or isn't a huge problem in much of the country. You may be surprised to know just how prevalent it is, including here in Pennsylvania. Podcast host Tara Mead talks with anti-human trafficking expert Steve Turner about human trafficking, notably what future and current legal professionals need to know, and how they can play a vital role in helping victims. 

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Mentioned in This Episode:

The YWCA of Greater Harrisburg: 1-800-654-1211

The National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888

Pennsylvania Alliance Against Trafficking In Humans Route 15 Phamphlet (PDF)

Recording from the CLE event Hiding in Plain Sight – Unmasking Human Trafficking (YouTube Link)

Career Advice and Strategies for Law Students and Alumni

While gaining legal knowledge is first and foremost the focus of law students, it's also vital students have the right strategies in place to help them gain employment when they graduate. In this podcast, host Tara Mead talks with Eden Mandrell, assistant dean of Widener Law Commonwealth's Career Development Office, who discusses her role in helping current students and alumni in their job search and beyond.

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Lessons Learned from the Pandemic for Law Schools

The COVID-19 pandemic certainly brought many challenges and changes in how we interacted, and that included our law school. In this podcast, host Tara Mead talked with Widener Law Commonwealth Dean Michael Hussey and Assistant Dean of Students Randi Teplitz on how those challenges were met and lessons learned, moving forward.

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Tips on Applying to Law School

Thinking about applying to law school? Our latest podcast with Associate Dean of Admission Matt Kerns discusses the application process and what that entails, things potential law school students should do (and not do), and dispels misconceptions about the law school application process.

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Mindfulness for Law Students

There's been a renewed focus on mental health and wellness over the past few years, and that includes law school students. Join podcast host Tara Mead as she talks with Professor Rebecca Waldemar and Dean of Students Randi Teplitz on how mindfulness and wellness can help students develop the essential skills they need to succeed.

Episode Transcript (PDF)

Helping First Year Law Students Overcome Challenges

Tara Mead talks with Legal Methods professors Amanda Sholtis and Anna Hemingway on how they help first year students with the challenges of law school, notably in the areas of communication and analysis of the law. 

Episode Transcript (PDF) 

Alumni Interview with Anthony Cox ’17

One of the joys of being a Widener Law Commonwealth student is meeting alumni. Gabriella Romeo ’21, Student Bar Association President, interviewed alumnus Anthony Cox ’17. 

Alumni Interview with Prince Holloway ’08

One of the joys of being a Widener Law Commonwealth student is meeting alumni. Gabriella Romeo ’21, Student Bar Association President, interviewed alumnus Prince Holloway ’08. 

Faith in the Future: America's Quest to Build a Diverse Democracy

The 14th Annual Dean’s Diversity Forum Faith in the Future: America’s Ongoing Quest to Build a Diverse Democracy featuring keynote speaker Vincent Rougeau.

Alumni Interview with Niki Carter ’08

One of the joys of being a Widener Law Commonwealth student is meeting alumni. Gabriella Romeo ’21, Student Bar Association President, interviewed alumna Niki Carter ’08. 

A Second Chance: Rehabilitation, Reform and Reentry

This is a recording from the 2021 Jurist in Residence Lecture, A Second Chance: Rehabilitation, Reform and Reentry, sponsored by the Law and Government Institute.

Earth in Trust: Inalienable Rights for a Collective Ecological Future

This is a recording from the 2020 lecture: Earth in Trust: Inalienable Rights for a Collective Ecological Future hosted by the Environmental Law and Sustainability Center.

Annual John Gedid Lecture: President and the Rise of Partisan Administration of the Law

This is a recording of the 2020 Annual John Gedid Lecture Series: The President and the Rise of Partisan Administration of the Law hosted by Widener University Commonwealth Law School, Law and Government Institute.

Alumni Interview with Steve Ryan ’07

One of the joys of being a Widener Law Commonwealth student is meeting alumni. Gabriella Romeo ’21, Student Bar Association President, interviewed alumnus Steve Ryan ’07. 

Things I Wish I Knew Podcast Subseries Episode 7

In this episode host Jonathan and cohosts Connor and Mark discuss what life has been like for them since WLC switched to virtual classes in March 2020.

Things I Wish I Knew Podcast Subseries Episode 6

In this episode, host Jonathan interviews new Dean of Admissions Matthew Kerns. They discuss Matt's background and the law school application process.

Things I Wish I Knew Podcast Subseries Episode 5

In this episode, host Jonathan and cohost Connor interview fellow law student Derek Hartman about his nontraditional path to law school. All three cohosts discuss their opinions on school breaks during the 5 minutes of unsolicited advice segment. Finally, host Jonathan and cohost Mark interview Melissa Barnes, another nontraditional law student with a unique journey to share.

Widener Wordsmith Podcast Subseries Episode 6

In this episode, Widener Wordsmith host and Adjunct Professor Pam DeMartino sits down with Associate Professor of Legal Methods David Raeker-Jordan to discuss how and why 1L students should construct the counterargument portion of their brief.

Read the transcript for this episode. (PDF)

Mentioned in this episode:
Counterarguments Handout

Widener Wordsmith Podcast Subseries Episode 5

In this episode, Widener Wordsmith host and Adjunct Professor Pam DeMartino sits down with two Widener Law Commonwealth students who have published articles. They discuss the benefits to students who choose to pursue having something published.

Mentioned in this episode:

PA Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division At Issue Newsletter: [pg. 3.]

Appellate Advocacy Blog:

Widener Wordsmith Podcast Subseries Episode 4

In this episode, Widener Wordsmith host and Adjunct Professor Pam DeMartino sits down with Director of Academic Success Professor Amanda Sholtis. The two discuss the legal writing process.

Read the transcript for this episode. (PDF)

Widener Wordsmith Podcast Subseries Episode 3

In this episode, Widener Wordsmith host and Adjunct Professor Pam DeMartino sits down with Director of Legal Methods Professor Anna Hemingway. The two review what 1L students should have learned in Legal Methods I and what they can expect to learn in Legal Methods II.

Read the transcript for this episode. (PDF)

Things I Wish I Knew Podcast Subseries Episode 4

Host Jonathan interviews Rebecca Ross, director of student accessibility services at Widener University, and Molly Acri, Assistant Dean of Administration and Registrar at Widener Law Commonwealth. They discuss the process of requesting academic accommodations. All three cohosts discuss their opinions on brief writing in the 5 minutes of unsolicited advice segment. 

Things I Wish I Knew Podcast Subseries Episode 3

In this special Veterans Day episode, hosts Jonathan and Connor interview Emily Ishler and Michael Bradley about the annual Wills for Heroes event held on campus each spring and is organized by the Public Interest Law Society student organization. Next, Jonathan speaks with veteran students Tadd Turczyn and Michael Cooper as they reflect on their military experience and their journeys to law school.

Things I Wish I Knew Podcast Subseries Episode 2

In this special Halloween episode, hosts Jonathan and Mark interview Professor Robyn Meadows about how to write an essay answer for a law school exam. Among other tips, they review the acronym I.R.A.C. (Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion) as a method to follow when answering exam questions. Next, all three cohosts discuss their opinions on and experiences with study groups in law school in the 5 minutes of unsolicited advice segment. Finally, hosts Jonathan and Mark recap what listeners should take away from the interview with Professor Meadows. 

Things I Wish I Knew Podcast Subseries Episode 1

In the first half of this episode, hosts Jonathan and Connor interview fellow student Matt Bugli about how to present yourself on social media. Next, all three cohosts discuss sleep in the 5 minutes of unsolicited advice segment. Finally, hosts Jonathan and Mark interview fellow students Deanna Wagner and Eric Quiroz about how to dress for class, externships, and interviews. 

Things I Wish I Knew Podcast Subseries Promo

Host Jonathan Nace describes his upcoming podcast subseries Things I Wish I Knew.

Widener Wordsmith Podcast Subseries Episode 2

In episode two, Widener Wordsmith host and Adjunct Professor Pam DeMartino sits down with Professor John Dernbach. The two discuss the story behind how Dernbach wrote and published A Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method and Writing Essay Exams to Succeed in Law School: Not Just to Survive.

Read the transcript for this episode. (PDF)

Widener Wordsmith Podcast Subseries Episode 1

In episode one, Widener Wordsmith host and Adjunct Professor Pam DeMartino sits down with Visiting Professor Dionne Anthon. The two discuss the story behind how Anthon wrote and published The Bluebook Uncovered: A Practical Guide to Mastering Legal Citation.

Read the transcript for this episode. (PDF)

Julie's Farewell Episode

The Administrative State Under Seige

The speaker this year was Gillian Metzger of the Columbia Law School. She presented, 1930s Redux: The Administrative State Under Siege, which was recently published in Harvard Law Review.

High Impact Practices Fair: Live Critique Method

Host Julie Shelton sits down with Professor of Legal Methods Amanda Sholtis and 3L student Sarah Rothermel to discuss the live critique method. The two recently presented on the topic at the high impact practices fair on main campus in Chester, PA. 

Bail: Risk, Release and Reform

This 2019 lecture entitled, Bail: Risk Release & Reform, was be presented by Chief Magistrate Judge Susan E. Schwab, United States Magistrate Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

What to Expect as a First Year Law Student

Host Julie Sheldon sits down with Widener Law Commonwealth's Assistant Dean of Students Randi Teplitz and students Gabriella Romeo and Shannon Costa to discuss what to expect during the first year of law school. They provide some tips on how to not only survive but thrive as a 1L. This episode is helpful for anyone considering applying to law school or who is already in the process of preparing for law school.

Mentioned in this Episode

Student Life and Wellness at Widener Law Commonwealth

Office of Student Affairs

Law Library's Reading List 

Accepted Law School Applicants

Host Julie Sheldon sits down with Widener Law Commonwealth's Associate Dean of Admissions and Administration John Benfield and Director of Admissions Tom Foley to review helpful tips and information for accepted applicants.

Mentioned in this Episode

Financial Aid Office

Cost of Attendance

Accepted Applicants Page

Evidence Based Study Tips for Law Students

Host Julie Sheldon talks with Associate Professor of Legal Methods David Raeker-Jordan about evidence based study tips for law students. Research suggests the various ways students studied in undergrad may not be effective in law school. 

Mentioned in this Episode:

Law Library Study Aids

Internships and Externships for Law Students

This episode, recorded in September 2018, is the final installment of a three-part series featuring Eden Mandrell, Director of the Career Development Office at Widener Law Commonwealth in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In this episode, Eden and Host Julie Sheldon discuss internships and externships for law students. 

Mentioned in this Episode:

Career Development and Job Search Tools

Widener Law Commonwealth Externships

Symplicity Job Bank

Resumes and Cover Letters for Law Students and Recent Alumni

This episode, recorded in September 2018, is the second in a three-part series featuring Eden Mandrell, Director of the Career Development Office at Widener Law Commonwealth in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In this episode, Eden and Host Julie Sheldon discuss tips for resumes and cover letters for law students and recent alumni. 

The final installment in the series will be a discussion about and internships and externships. 

Transcript (PDF)

Mentioned in this Episode:

Career Development and Job Search Tools

Networking and Professionalism for Law Students and Recent Alumni

This episode is the first in a three-part series featuring Eden Mandrell, Director of the Career Development Office at Widener Law Commonwealth in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In this episode, Host Julie Sheldon and Eden discuss networking and professionalism for law students and recent alumni. 

Upcoming episodes in this series will include discussions about resume building and internships and externships. 

Mentioned in this Episode:

Pennsylvania Bar Association Law Student Membership
Dauphin County Bar Association
Career Development and Job Search Tools

Law School Admissions - LSAT & Law School Preparation

Host Julie Sheldon talks with Widener Law Commonwealth Director of Admissions Tom Foley and discusses how prospective law students can prepare to take the law school admissions test (LSAT) and general tips for law school preparation. 

Mentioned in this Episode:

Free Mock LSAT at Widener Law Commonwealth

Law Library Resources for Law Students

Host Julie Sheldon discusses the law library resources available to students with Susan Giusti, Brent Johnson, and Ed Sonnenberg. 

Mentioned in this Episode:

Law Library Webpage
Contact Us Page
Law Library Hours
Law Library Student Services
Large Collaboration Room Reservation

Letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions Regarding Immigration Quotas

Commonwealth Professor of Law and Government and Director of the Law and Government Institute Jill Family sat down with host Julie Sheldon.  Professor Family discussed a letter she co-authored and sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions expressing concern about new quotas for immigration judges.

The letter was signed by more than 120 immigration and administrative law professors.

Mentioned in this Episode: 

Read the Letter

Bar Exam Preparation

Host Julie Sheldon sits down with Widener Law Commonwealth's Associate Professor of Legal Methods David Raeker-Jordan to discuss the process of and strategies for bar exam preparation. Their conversation covers everything from where to start, knowing your learning style, what costs are involved, and more.  Hear from an experienced professor about how you can set yourself up to pass the bar exam.

Mentioned in this Episode:

Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners
Comprehensive Guide to Bar Exam Requirements
Greg Kihn Band - Jeopardy
Weird Al Yankovic - I lost on Jeopardy

A Conservative Case for Climate Action

Our first Wayback Wednesday episode in celebration of Earth Day on April 22 is a recording from a 2016 lecture by Jerry Taylor.

2018 John Gedid Lecture
Immigration, Race and Rights in the Trump Era: Lessons from the Muslim Ban and DACA Termination

The 2018 John Gedid Lecture was presented by Muneer I. Ahmad, Clinical Professor of Law and Deputy Dean for Experiential Education at Yale Law School.

Professor Ahmad is Deputy Dean for Experiential Education, a Clinical Professor of Law, and the Director of the Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization at Yale Law School. He co-directs the Worker and Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic (WIRAC) and teaches courses related to immigration, human rights, and development.

Student Organizations

Host Julie Massing interviews Widener Law Commonwealth's Director of Student Organizations Mary Catherine Scott and Student Bar Association President Genna Moscato. Their conversation includes information about the types of student organizations available at Widener Law Commonwealth and the benefits that come from participating in them.

Harry Potter and the Lawyer's Curse

Professor Randy Lee details Harry Potter's lessons on rules, justice, forgiveness, honor, and the magic in practicing law.  This is a recording of a 2017 CLE from homecoming weekend.

Career Development Office

Host Julie Massing interviews Widener Law Commonwealth's Director of Career Development Karen Durkin. This interview covers several topics including the services offered by the Career Development Office for current students and alumni and tips for job seekers.

Law School Success

Host Julie Massing sits down with Professor of Legal Methods and Director of Academic Success Amanda Smith and Associate Professor of Legal Methods and Director of Student Affairs David Raeker-Jordan to discuss advice and tips for new law students. 

Mentioned in this Episode

One L of a Year

Mastering the Law School Exam

Writing Essay Exams to Succeed in Law School

Making it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching

The Law and Government Institute

Host Julie Massing sits down with Commonwealth Professor of Law and Director of the Law and Government Institute Jill Family and alumna Liana Walters '13, Legislative Counsel to PA State Senator Arthur Haywood, to discuss the history, mission, and benefits of Widener Law Commonwealth's Law and Government Institute. 

Follow the Law and Government Institute on Twitter @WidenerLG.

The Administrative Constitution: Past, Present, and Future

Sophia Z. Lee, a Professor of Law and History and Deputy Dean at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, presented The Administrative Constitution: Past Present, and Future at the 2017 John Gedid Lecture Series.  View the video from this event on Widener Law Commonwealth's YouTube channel.

Professor Lee is a legal historian whose scholarship synthesizes constitutional and administrative law. She has written about administrative agencies’ role in shaping constitutional law; civil rights and labor advocates’ challenges to workplace discrimination during the early Cold War; and conservative legal movements in the post-New Deal era. Her book, The Workplace Constitution from the New Deal to the New Right, was published in 2014 by Cambridge University Press. She is currently working on a book about constitutional privacy. Her articles can be found in the Yale Law Journal, the Virginia Law Review, and Law & History Review. She earned her J.D. and Ph.D. in history from Yale. Prior to joining the Penn Law faculty, she clerked for the Honorable Kimba M. Wood of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Constitutional Law Explained | Legal Topics in the News

Host Julie Massing sits down with Professor of Law and Fulbright Scholar Michael Dimino to provide a basic understanding of the approaches to constitutional law and discuss the recent confirmation of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. 

Immigration Law Explained | Legal Topics in the News

Host Julie Massing sits down with Commonwealth Professor of Law and Director of the Law and Government Institute Jill Family to break down the complexities of immigration law in the United States. Their conversation aims to give listeners an understanding of the current landscape and historical context of immigration policy.

A Reasonable Expectation of Transparency - Where the Rights to Know and to Privacy Intersect

Commonwealth Court Judge P. Kevin Brobson, currently serving as the Jurist in Residence for Widener Law Commonwealth, presented A Reasonable Expectation of Transparency--Where the Rights to Know and to Privacy Intersect.

Judge Brobson discussed the legal issues that arise at the intersection of the rights to know and to privacy.  Many states, including Pennsylvania, have a Right to Know law that encourages government transparency.  Those laws can implicate rights to privacy when the information sought from the government involves private matters, however.

Purpose and Benefits of Law School Clinics Show Notes

Host Julie Massing interviews Widener Law Commonwealth's Central Pennsylvania Law Clinics Interim Director Mary Catherine Scott. This interview covers several topics including the history of the clinic and the benefits of law clinics for law students and the local communities.  

Mentioned in this Episode:

MidPenn Legal Services

Dauphin County Agency on Aging

YWCA Domestic Violence Legal Center

Financial Aid Process Explained Show Notes

Host Julie Massing sits down with Widener Law Commonwealth's Financial Aid Representative Allura Alonso to discuss the law school financial aid process.  Their conversation covers a wealth of information including affording law school, applying for financial aid, and repaying student loans. Hear from a financial aid expert about what you need to know to help finance your law school education.

Mentioned in this Episode:

Widener Law Commonwealth Financial Aid Office Campus Cruiser.

Contact Information:

Financial Aid Office
3737 Vartan Way
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717.541.3961
Fax: 717.541.1964
Email: [email protected]

Law School Admissions Process Explained Show Notes


Host Julie Massing sits down with Widener Law Commonwealth's Associate Dean for Admissions and Administration John Benfield to discuss the law school application process.  Their conversation covers everything from the LSAT, GPA, personal statements, character and fitness requirements and more. Hear from an admissions expert how you can improve your chances of getting into law school.

Mentioned in this Episode:

Introduction Show Notes

Communications Manager Julie Massing describes Widener Law Commonwealth's new podcast covering legal news and helpful information for law students. 



Music Credit: LeChuckz


Stephanie Engerer
Web Liaison
Phone: 717.541.3953
Email: [email protected]

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